NHGA JR Team Championship with my sister!

Hi everyone,

A few weeks ago my sister, Teagan, and I played in the NHGA Jr. Team Championship together! Despite not playing as well as we wanted and know we are both capable of it was so much fun and a great experience!

Playing in a team-best-ball tournament is a different experience from playing solo in a regular strokeplay event because not only are you trying to put up the best number that you can, you're also trying to stay in play to help your partner out, and stay positive to keep yourself and your partner in a good mood. My sister and I struggled with the idea that when one of us got into trouble that didn't mean the other had to try to make up for it instead it meant that we had to focus even more on just playing our game knowing we needed to eliminate big numbers. I think that was a big takeaway knowing that we are both capapble of posting good scores and we just needed to focus on both putting up good numbers and then together that number is bound to be better. 

Being able to play in an event like this provided some important lessons and brought my sister and I closer. I am so glad that I was able to play and am looking forward to the next team event that I am able to play in!

~NH Golfer Gal


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