Hi Gals,

It has been crazy busy with the start of school, high school golf, and everything else going on.

How is every one's school year going? I am fully remote and it is definitely a unique situation but I am trying to make the best of it. 

I am in my freshman year of high school and having a great time playing on our varsity golf team! While the past few matches, I haven't played the way I would like I know that there are good rounds coming. This year is super exciting for girls golf around here, we have a larger sum of girls playing on their respective high school teams this year and it is so exciting! Seeing all the girls out playing and competing with the guys is so exciting! While there is still so much work to do to help make our sport a more equitable game we are taking strides and I am pleased. Look out for a post about what it is like to play on a team with almost all girls (my team has one other girl on JV). 

Also, congrats to Mirim Lee on her win at the ANA Inspiration! So much fun to watch :)

~NH Golfer Gal


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