NHSGA Article and Welcome
Hi Gals, Yesterday the NHSGA posted a short article about me and my blog and playing high-school golf! Here is the link ! I would like to thank the NHSGA and Chelsea Sedlar for this opportunity! If you are checking out my blog from the NHSGA website I am Delaney, a 13-year-old girl going into my freshman year in high-school! As the article shares, I started my blog when I was 10 as a way to hopefully inspire more girls to get into this great sport and to connect with more girls (and boys) who play! Golf is my passion and I love blogging about it and sharing my journey through the game! I have some fun things planned that I will be working on so if you would like to stay updated press on the blue follow button on the side of the site and then subscribe at the top to have an email sent to you whenever I post! I hope everyone is having a great day and is staying safe and healthy! Thanks again! ~NH Golfer Gal