Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a good holiday break. Happy New Year! What are some of your goals for 2021? Golf specific? 

I am already counting down the days until the weather changes and golf courses can open up here in NH again. I can't wait to get out and play again! Looking ahead at my upcoming tournament season I am excited to be adding some new events to my calendar and hopefully meeting some new people.

The 2020 season was certainly different but I met and became friendlier with so many people through the game. Between playing more NHGA events, the NHWGA State Amateur, High School, and more. I am so grateful to have met them all and they are all amazing people! I am looking forward to seeing everyone again soon and getting out to play. 

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2021 full of lots of birdies and fun rounds!

~NH Golfer Gal


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